Science of the Soul - New Zealand

Question and Answer Guidelines

Question & Answer Protocol

On the day, 24 people will be selected to ask a question. Selection will be conducted through a ballot system, as in previous years. Upon arrival, those wishing to ask a question will be directed by Sevadars to the designated area in the South Block, adjacent to the Phone/Devices/Bag check-in area. The doors will be closed at 8:00 am. Then, they will draw a token from one of four bags, labelled as follows:

  • English Language – Male
  • English Language – Female
  • Indian Language – Male
  • Indian Language – Female

Each bag will contain six numbered tokens and several blank tokens.

  • If you draw a blank token, you will not be selected and should proceed to the Satsang Hall.
  • If you draw a numbered token, you will be given the opportunity to ask a question in the language you chose, in the order indicated on the token.

Sevadars will explain the microphone system and direct selected questioners to their reserved seating.

Question and Answer Guidelines

The Dera has requested that the following information be provided regarding questions:

  • Questioners must be 18 years of age or older.
  • Questions should be short and precise.
  • No singing of Shabads to the Master.
  • The draw will take place at 8:00 am. You will not be able to have friends or relatives reserve a seat for you if you miss the cut.
  • Only one question should be asked.
  • Questions should be spiritual in nature, not related to personal, financial, health, family, or political issues.
  • Questions should not be asked on behalf of others.
  • Long notes, poems, or letters should not be read aloud.
  • Do not interrupt the Master while he is answering your question. Allow him to finish speaking before responding.
  • There are separate microphones for dual languages. You will be selected and placed in line according to the language you have chosen for your question. You must ask your question in that language.
  • Please do not ask the Master personal questions about his health, family, appearance, or about new photos, recordings, etc. The Master reminds us that the path is about the teachings, not about personality or physical form.
  • Let us show our gratitude by following these instructions from the Dera.